Why pigeons are the greatest
- Pigeons are doves. The English words “pigeon” and “dove” refer to the same type of bird - any species of bird in the family Columbidae. But for some reason, people tend to like doves but dislike pigeons.
- Great pets. I can confirm from my own experience that pigeons are gentle, curious, cheeky, low-maintenance, and (mostly) tidy. They are objectively beautiful and enjoyable to watch, which might be part of the reason why they have been used widely as a symbol in world religions.
- Insane athletes. Some pigeons can find their way home over thousands of kilometres. Other physical abilities include their 300-degree field of vision.
- Survivalists. Pigeons get a bad rap from feeding on human scraps in urban areas. But this is exactly the sort of skill needed to survive in hostile environments, making pigeons one way that nature can flourish even in a world that we’ve messed up.
- Literal war heroes. We shouldn’t glorify people simply because they fought in a war. However, when pigeons have been pressed into service, they have discharged their duty admirably, becoming one of only five species of animals (alongside horses, cats, dogs, and humans) to have been awarded medals for bravery. Wikipedia reports that G.I. Joe, a pigeon who served in World War II, “saved the lives of over one hundred Allied forces by flying 20 miles in 20 minutes to ‘deliver a message that aborted an imminent bombing by friendly forces.’”
Further reading:
- Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Rescue
- Pearce, Fred 2015, The New Wild: Why Invasive Species Will Be Nature’s Salvation
- The 2019 animated film Spies in Disguise, starring Will Smith and Tom Holland.
Also, see the pigeon sculpture in the Adelaide city centre! What a banger!