1. A few years ago, when I was first beginning to practice, I felt myself pulled in two directions: I wanted to devote all of my time to practice and enjoying peace and tranquility, but I also wanted to work hard to help those in need.
  2. Transcenders often see the being-realm and deficiency-realm not as a dichotomy, but as two parts of a whole (Kaufman, Scott B 2020, Transcending: The New Science of Self-Actualization).
  3. Larry Ward: “Living your life - that’s what practicing means.” (Ward, Larry 2016, Unshakable Deliverance of the Mind, Youtube)
  4. Thich Nhat Hanh: “My dear friend, if I do not plant this lettuce, I will not be able to write poetry.” - Foreword to Learning True Love: Practicing Buddhism in a Time of War by Sister Chan Kong 1993 & 2007.
  5. The reverse must also be true. If Thay did not write poetry, he would not have been able to plant lettuce.